Hyphema of the eye (Video)
This video shows a layer of blood inside the eye called a hyphema. Hyphemas like this one can occur after blunt injury when the delicate iris arteries bleed into the front anterior chamber of the eyeball.
Treatment of hyphemas involves steroid drops (to decrease inflammation) and cycloplegics (to dilate the eye for comfort and to keep the iris from sticking to the underlying lens). Also, avoid blood thinners if possible, sleep with the bed elevated, and control of eye pressure are important.
The danger period after a hyphema is days 3-5, as this is when the clot can regress and rebleed.
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thanks alot
my regards 4u.thanks 4all
nice…. the pupil is slightly oval inferiorly . cause?
What is the green fluid at the palpebral borders? Is it fluorescein dye?
Yes, it is fluorescein dye
i really appreciate your videos! they r too good