Draining chalazion of the eyelid (Video)
Here you can see a draining chalazion of the upper eyelid. Chalazions occur from a blockage of one of the oil-producing meibomian glands at the lid margin. The static oil then incites a non-infectious granulomatous inflammation in the lid that creates a non-tender bump.
Small chalazions can often be treated with warm compresses and lid massage. Larger ones require drainage for better cosmesis.
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drainingchalazion.wmv (8.4meg, Windows video file)

thank you….my 9 year old has this problem and i need closure
it was a very good video, short but enough for me to see an actual drained chalazion. Thank you.
Thank you – my ten year old has both eyes at this stage. It’s been on week on meds and only got worse… thank you – time to lance…
Dis video was so nice…
nice photo showing a swelling in a mebomian gland.there is also some sort of edema in the lid margin.it is noticed that there is no pain associated with the case till infection occurs
I think that one is big enough to be drained, just saying.
A very good video that explains chalazion(mebomian cyst)completely!
I’ve had mine for a month, doesn’t look like it is going to drain. I’ve used warm compression the whole time, mine seems to be getting bigger.