1. Betty Souther says:

    I did have this surgery but the lens could not be replaced because there was no tissue left behind to attach it to….could you explain all this to me…we feel that the problem stemmed from a fall I had had 9 yrs ago and hurt my eye, breaking my glasses. My eye doctor thought I had not seriously injured my eye and the swelling would go down. My doctor now, thinks possibly the tissue being held by tiny strands had started breaking at that time and eventually the tissue was no longer suspended and therefore he could not replace my lens….I am to see a Specialist later this week….and my doctor now is hopeful he will be able to stitch the lens into place….I would just like to know more about all this before seeing him, so I would have an idea of what to expect. Thank you very much

  2. Caleb Smith says:

    When the Intraocular Lens can not be placed in the capsular membrane sac left behind it has a few other positions it may be placed in. The doctor might consider an anterior chamber lens that sits on top of the iris and beneath the cornea in the anterior chamber. This is what we personnally do in our ophthalmolic office, but it all depends on the situation. The capsul itself should have been there if the doctor removed the lens. What i believe happened was that the surgeon must have had a complication and either removed the cataract and grabbed the capsul before it floated to the bottom or he/she would have had to do a vitrectomy. It is nothing to be worried about there is a solution to this problem.
    Caleb Smith

  3. I had my cataracts removed in September and opted for Toric implants due to my acute astigmatism. Previously my left eye was the weaker. After the left lens replacement, I was actually able to read news print the next day. The right lens was not as successful. The day after the surgery, my surgeon discovered that the implant had rotated. Two weeks later, I had corrective surgery. Now, I apparently have near vision in my left eye and distant vision in the right eye.

    I feel as though I have a constant push pull between the two. My first eye RX was off so much the distant vision left me sick to my stomach and I could not read with the bifocal. I am waiting for the new RX by a different eye doctor. There is a constant haze in my right vision which my surgeon stated he could not observe and his solution was to use a hot compress over my eyes 5 minutes a day to remove more oil from the oil glands to reduce my dry eye. I have dry eye syndrome and use Restatis daily as well as Xalatan for galucoma.

    I already wash my eye lids daily as previously suggested. Any recommended actions? I am most concerned by the inability of both eyes to adjust either near or far.

  4. C. L. DeClerk says:

    I have had eye surgery for a cataract. For quite some time I had perfect vision (although right after surgery I felt there might be something (a thin dark line on the far left side of my eye} The Doctor at that time said there was nothing wrong with my eye} And that did not bother me and I could see so well. It wa great. Now however, {after some months } I have some pain at times and have blurred . In the last few days when I look at the edge of something that is straight it has areas that look like they bulge out in spots. I have been to an eye Dr. and they say there is nothing wrong with my eyes. However I had a new prescription my eyes just four months ago. She Gave me a new prescription saying that she really did not think I needed new lenses. When I asked what could be causing the problem she did not know -perhaps it could be some medication – to make an appointment with my regular Dr.

  5. I had cataract surgery 2 months ago. I have had like a black crescent edge on the left side of my vision blocking my vision. It has made me not see a full vision and I run into things. My doc said I have a large puple and he put the largest lens in. He thinks it is where the edge of the lens doesn’t cover the entire puple. So we r trying drops that make my puple smaller that I will use forever if it works. What the heck….

    Anyone dealt w this.

  6. Thanks for answering that question. I’ve been really intrigued by how cataract surgery works. I’ve been suffering from cataracts for the last six years and I’d really love to get rid of them. I’ll have to ask an eye surgeon more about it.

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