Rizzuti’s corneal light reflex seen in keratoconus (Video)
This video shows what the Rizzuti’s light reflex looks like in eyes with keratoconus. You perform this test by shining a penlight into the eye at an oblique angle. The cone shape of the cornea causes the resulting iris light reflection to a point. This is hard to explain, so you should check out the video.
Other exam findings of keratoconus include Munson’s sign (notching of the lower eyelid when looking down) and a Fleischer ring (a corneal iron line around the base of the cone).
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rizzutisign.wmv (2.7 meg, Windows video file)
Many thanks for this very generous and high-quality website
This is the very first time I am actually laying eyes on Rizutti’s sign !
Great video, I have read about this sign but I did not understand how it was obtained. Thanks to you, a master in slit lamp, I finally understand it. Very best regards, thanks so much for your great videos y tips.
You are creative Ophthalmologist Dr.Timothy Root.
Thank you, Dr. Timothy Root! You are doing a great job!
Thank you very much