HSV herpetic dendritic ulcer on cornea (Video)
This video shows the classic dendritic ulcer seen with HSV keratitis. You can see them easily with the use of fluorescein staining (that’s why everything is blue in the movie). These patients typically present with a painful, red eye with photophobia. The HSV is typically the type-1 hsv infection that most people are inoculated with (HSV1 is the cause of cold-sores) and is thus not a sexual infection.
Treatment involves topical viroptic and possibly systemic antivirals if recurrent. You definitely DON’T want to treat this with steroids as this can increase viral replication and lead to terrible geographic ulcers.
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hsvdendriticulcer.wmv (4.6 meg, Windows video file)

I am currently suffering with anulcer like this.
The dr. prescribed Zovirax ointment.
However, each time I apply the salf the ey pains even more than before and the vision is now completely impaired.
Is there any other treatment available??
Michelle Williams
is it possible to see dendrites with woods lamp or can these lesions only been seen with slip lamp?
Thank you!