fortified antibiotics
These are antibiotic eye drops especially made by a compounding pharmacy, used for bad eye infections such as a corneal ulcer. Certain strong medicines are not available in eye drop format (or don’t come in high enough concentrations). If you have a bad corneal ulcer, for example, the typical antibiotic eye drops may not be strong enough. In these cases, we typically have a compounding pharmacy prepare fortified antibiotic drops. The most common drops we have created are vancomycin (an antibiotic good for MRSA), tobramycin (good general coverage), and amphotericin B (an antifungal agent).
Thanks for the quick explanation! Just what I needed!
No problem. Glad it was helpful!
great explanation – thanks!
why are they not commercially available?
How do you write an Rx for fortified antibiotics? Do you specify concentrations? Do you add amphotericinB to Vancomycin and Tobramycin?
Yes, I might write fortified RX like this.
Fortified antibiotics:
Vancomycin 25mg/cc 1 drop in eye q2 hours
Tobramycin 14mg/cc 1 drop in eye q2 hours
I don’t use ampho unless I suspect fungal infection. If so … I’ve probably referred to a corneal specialist by this point and let them order the anti-fungals.