This is a refractive error where close vision is blurry while distance vision is clearer. This situation occurs because the eye’s focus is too “weak.” Let me explain. Normally, the eye works like a camera with light entering the eye being focused perfectly on the retina – the retina is like the film in a camera, located in the back of the eye. When a person is farsighted, however, light wants to focus behind the retina and visual images look blurry. By strengthening the eye focusing power with glasses, light can focus properly on the retina. Many children are born slightly farsighted, yet still have excellent vision. This is because they have strong intraocular eye muscles that can change the shape of their lens (a process called accommodation) and see clearly. We lose this focal plasticity with age (a process called presbyopia) and most adults with farsightedness require glasses for BOTH distance and near vision.