Elschnig pearl formation (Video)
This video shows a cluster of Elschnig pearls that have formed behind the lens after cataract surgery. These grape-like clusters form from residual lens epithelial cells that migrate along the remaining capsular bag. They can be seen with a microscope and are usually visually insignificant.
When epithelial cells form in the central visual axis, this is called a PCO (posterior capsular opacification) or after-cataract … and requires capsulotomy removal with a laser. You can see this central capsulotomy better in the photos below.
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thanx , keep it up
never heard of it now geting yag surgery.Hopefully it can buy me vision improvement for a bit.Ty for the info.
Very good
I never see this awesome ophthalmology lectures in my life sir.
Because of your lectures I got gold medal in Opthalmology.
Thank you sir.
Hi Dr. Root! Excellent videos, may I suggest if you could make one performing a YAG capsulotomy?
The YAG iridotomy video was very nice 🙂