DSEK corneal transplant problems (Video)
This eye has undergone DSEAK (Descemet’s Stripping Automated Endothelial Keratoplasty) also called DSEK. As you can see here, the endothelial transplant has separated from the inner cornea. This was reopposed with sf6 gas in the anterior chamber.
DSEK has many advantages over traditional PK and is a wonderful alternative procedure for certain conditions.
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i had corneal fungal ulcer.it heald but the ophmologist told me that the cornea got stuck to the irisand the eye presure caused partial damage in te optic nerve .what can i do?
folks, this is not a place in which one can search help/advice/comprehension/doctor’s consult. this is definitely a website for students/doctors to learn something. Jeez, stop asking and go fisically to a doctor!!!!!!
I think it should be DSAEK