Accommodation is the process by which the eye focuses to see near objects. A normal eye, that is to say, an eye that is neither nearsighted nor farsighted, is naturally focused to see distant objects clearly. To see close-up objects, such as when reading, the flexible lens inside the eye changes shape and becomes “rounder.” This process is called accommodation and is quite versatile when young. After the age of 40, however, our lens becomes stiff and accommodation becomes more challenging. We lose our ability to accommodate and we become more dependent on glasses and bifocals with time. This loss of accommodation is called presbyopia.

Finally, here is a rock song about accommodation:
Accommodation is very strong in childhood but weakens in adulthood. With children, we often have to dilate their eyes (using dilating drops) when we check them for glasses. Otherwise, they accommodate so hard, their glasses prescription becomes inaccurate.
If you have questions about this topic, please feel free to comment! Thanks!
Congratulations on publishing this book Tim. Well done!
Clive Novis, ophthalmologist, south Africa
Congrats Dr. Tim Root for this great work yet again! Regards, Ozone.
So I’ve uploaded my first puppet explanation to the page. Still working the kinks out, but I’m hoping to “puppetize” the entire dictionary. Crazy, right?
Dr. Tim,
You are simply the root of Ocular Education. Nobody compares to you except your humble self. I am so very impressed at your selfless services to the Ophtho world.
Kindest appreciation always!
Regards and God’s everlasting blessings to you and your family, AMEN!
Hi there;
…. it is always a pleasure to get “New Stuff” from Mr.Root. He´s get me learning “effortless” – thank you for that Mr.Root !
Nice one
Hi Dr Root ,
I love your teachings it inspire me more,thank you
Dear Dr. Root,
Thank you for all of the great online resources you have created. I am currently a 3rd year pediatric resident on my ophthalmology rotation and your materials have been very useful.
David Nawoor, MD.
Thanx once more Tim you are marvelous….Hicks Mukubesa, ophthalmic Assistance, Zambia.
After 40 as your ability to accommodate diminishes, does wearing magnifiers make it worse? Should I be forcing the muscles to work or is this hopeless?
Great online resources. Crazy, yes, but splendid and pedagogic. Go ahead!
I’m optometrist; from Portugal.