Exploding Eye Lecture (Video)
Here is our latest lecture on eye trauma, where I discuss many causes of ocular trauma: heat injury, projectiles (airsoft, paintball, bb gun), chemical burns, laser, and explosive trauma. You can watch this lecture in high-resolution 720p by changing the settings to “HD” in the player below (or by watching the YouTube version in HD mode). This is a graphic presentation … so you might want to watch in full-screen mode for the full effect. Enjoy!
Screen Shots From this Video (comments below)

Hello Dr. Tim Root,
Thanks so very much for yet another explosive video! Very nice one indeed!
Thanks in advance sir!
thanks!easy to understand!
i love u with deep respect sir.
I wish u could come to uganda and be my tutor.
I love u
Just perfect! You always know, how to amaze your listeners :):) Your efforts are great!
Fantastic videos as always. Much appreciated. I may not love you as much as Othieno Ivan, but I certainly have great respect for you.
Excellent lecture & show Doc. Thanks for enlightening. Very informative and helpful.
Wonderful presentation! I look so forward to sharing this with my Diagnostic Medicine Class. Thank you for sharing~
Excellent. Very ingenious demonstrations.
Thank you very much.
Clive Novis, ophthalmologist, South Africa.
Excelent lecture!
Tnx Dok Timothy. From the Philippines
I am teaching in India and love your lectures.I show them to my residents and we all enjoy together.A wonderful way to teach ophthalm ! you have taken so much efforts and it is definitely a unique project.Keep it up.
great .. as usual 🙂
many thanks 🙂
I am a first year optometry student, and I thoroughly enjoy your videos!
Memphis, TN
awsome lecture i like it to much
thank you for this very good lecture which contian very important point .
very useful lecture
keep it up doctor, the lectures are awesome, med. students in Egypt like your way of teaching.
I train the San Antonio Fire Depertment EMS and was “surfing” for some new material for my burns lecture and found YOU!
This is an amazing and totaly captivating presentation and will most definitely hold the attention of this very unique (easily bored) audience.
You are to be commended for combining scientific data with humor.
Great job, well done….funny and helpful
It’s wonderful and So Impressive
even as an optometrist, i am greatly instructed by your insightful lectures. keep it up doc.
Such a awesome video!
awesome doctor
Laser pointers often lack appropriate labeling and They are selling lots of them as toys when the power is far beyond that of pointers (five milliwatts ) so the FDA advises:
– Never aim or shine a laser pointer at anyone.
– Don’t buy laser pointers for your children.
– Before purchasing a laser pointer, make sure it has the following information on the label:
a statement that it complies with Chapter 21 CFR (the Code of Federal Regulations);
the manufacturer or distributor’s name and the date of manufacture;
a warning to avoid exposure to laser radiation; and
the class designation, ranging from Class I to IIIa. Class IIIb and IV products should be used only by individuals with proper training and in applications where there is a legitimate need for these high-powered products.
see more here:
Very nice Video lectures. Thank you.
Wow, AMAZING lecture!!!! Entertaining and very informative.