Dr. Timothy Root is a practicing ophthalmologist and cataract surgeon in Daytona Beach, Florida. His books, video lectures, and training resources can be found at www.TimRoot.com
How do we down load it to show it to our students. I am working as a professor in a medical college and would like to make use of these videos.
How to playback:
Looks like this video came from Youtube. Youtube vidoes are flash-video, and can be difficult to save and playback. Here’s one method:
1. Click on the video above so that you are taken directly to the youtube page for this movie.
2. Copy the address of this youtube page
3. Go to keepvid.com and paste the url into the input box
4. keepvid will generate a “download link” for you to download the original youtube flash-vide-file. RIGHT-MOUSE-CLICK on this link and choose “Save Target As…” to download the file to your computer
Now, once the file is on your computer, you’ll need a program that can playback flash video. A great free one is called VLC player … just google search to find it. Alternately, you can convert the flash video into another more-compatable format for playback, but this may be complicated.
Hope this helps. Since this vidoe wasn’t produced at RootAtlas, there isn’t an easier way to download it.
Hmm. Well, hmm.
How do we down load it to show it to our students. I am working as a professor in a medical college and would like to make use of these videos.
Professor Dr. S. M. Bhatti
How to playback:
Looks like this video came from Youtube. Youtube vidoes are flash-video, and can be difficult to save and playback. Here’s one method:
1. Click on the video above so that you are taken directly to the youtube page for this movie.
2. Copy the address of this youtube page
3. Go to keepvid.com and paste the url into the input box
4. keepvid will generate a “download link” for you to download the original youtube flash-vide-file. RIGHT-MOUSE-CLICK on this link and choose “Save Target As…” to download the file to your computer
Now, once the file is on your computer, you’ll need a program that can playback flash video. A great free one is called VLC player … just google search to find it. Alternately, you can convert the flash video into another more-compatable format for playback, but this may be complicated.
Hope this helps. Since this vidoe wasn’t produced at RootAtlas, there isn’t an easier way to download it.