1. Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such a creative and superb way!

  2. mukubesa Hicks says:

    have really been benefiting from your lectures, being deep in the heart of Africa ,thank you so much.

  3. Thanks, Tim! It’s quite interesting.
    Anton. Russia, SPb.

  4. great vid

    very interesting

    sa,thanks a lot 🙂

  5. Dr.Pednekar says:

    Dear Dr.Root,

    Brilliant video and the effort in making it too. And the best part was the last few minutes where you explained why the photoreceptors are placed in the deeper layers. And I was wondering how come you are so close to a real eagle till i read the caption 😛 … Just Kidding.. It is always great watching your videos..Thank you

  6. RMM, SE asia says:

    You are very generous.. May you receive more blessings so you can share more.

  7. Wow truly amazing… how interesting it is to step back and see how non-human eyes work!

  8. Really very generous of you, most importantly I know you enjoy it too, which transmits to everyone viewing your lectures explains why its so easy to understand and very exciting to watch. Always very grateful. More power to you.

  9. Just the right attempt for the modern day teaching.

    I am an Ophthalmology teacher in a Medical College. NRS Medical College (Avaiable in wikipedia)

  10. amazing lectures, may God bless you with happiness and success in this world as well as in the hereafter.

  11. Hello Tim,

    I must confess that you are God sent! You are simply amazing and an expert in basic education.

    Pls kindly post video of how to effectively use the BINOCULAR INDIRECT OPHTHALMOSCOPE. This technique is confusing to me.

    Pls TIM help kindly as I enjoyed the tips on SLIM LAMP BIOMICROSCOPY!

    Thanks in advance sir!

  12. VILAS KHODE says:

    gud video sir
    thank u for ur oder videos also
    plz keep going

  13. great vedios of you sir…

  14. colinization says:

    Hi Dr Root, I was wondering if you could explain the evolutionary advantage of why some grazing quadrupeds like goats have horizontal slit pupils whereas some predatory animals like cats and snakes have vertical slits. Thanks!

  15. Jerome Obed says:

    Outstanding lecture my friend. Thank you for sharing your knowledge in such a wonderful way.

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