1. satish koirala says:

    really impressed by easy language and explanation……..

  2. more than great

  3. Zelna Victor says:

    I am so suprise. There is only one word to descripe, cool! It is easy, interesting and understandable.

  4. D zana Ghany Hameed says:

    Walla baba bash ,
    Awa aw sitay la ke detawa

  5. thıs answer ıs not acceptable becouse we use pathway for nerve and thıs pathway start from nucleus ın braın through facıal nerve and greater petrosal nerve enter the pterıgoıd canal and then to enter pterıgopalatın ganglıa and post ganglıonıc fıber travel through maxıllary nerve and zygomatıc nerve zygomatıcotemporal then lacrımal nerve and then supply lacrımal gland .and for tear we use secretıon or draınge ınstead of pathway wıth best regard

    Editor: Sami, I appreciate your input … however, I disagree with your terminology. I’ve never heard of the term “pathway” being reserved for the nervous system. Pathway can be used for other systems, especially those involving fluid movement (i.e. digestive pathway, aqueous pathway, tear pathway, lymphatic pathway) and chemical reactions (metabolic pathway, endocrine pathway).

    Perhaps this terminology is strict where you trained, but pathway=nerve is not a universal convention.

  6. Great book! Thank you for compiling such a valuable book. It is very easy understand the subject with your help. Very very interesting too!

  7. Thank you this really help me and you made it easy, and simple!!

  8. Excellent Explanation and very nice language

  9. How does the tear get from the lacrimal gland into the surface of the eyeball? Can you go over that process between tear production in lacrimal gland and drainage via puncta?

  10. The tears is produce by the meibomian gland ( produces the oily layer), lacrimal duct(produces watery or aqueous layer), and the goblet cell (produces the mucus layer).
    Then it is drained via the lacrimal punctum to the canaliculi, to the lacrimal sac and via the nasolacrimal duct into the inferior nasal meatus to the nasal cavity where it is evaporated.

  11. Wonderful description however it will hve been well to tell us does it flow in anterior and posterior chambers of the eye

  12. What are the chemical composition of tears?? Describe the bacterial properties of tear

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